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Mobile Recharge AE

Mobile Recharge

Instantly recharge your prepaid mobile phone with any UAE operator. Choose from a variety of denominations to suit your needs.

Recharge Now

International Recharge

Recharge mobile phones of your family and friends living abroad. We support multiple international operators.

Recharge Now

Data Packages

Purchase data packages for your mobile phone to stay connected to the internet on the go.

Buy Data Package

Bill Payments

Pay your postpaid mobile bills securely and conveniently through our platform.

Pay Bill

Gift Cards

Send mobile recharge gift cards to your loved ones for special occasions.

Send Gift Card

Auto Recharge

Set up automatic recharges for your mobile phone at regular intervals or when your balance is low.

Setup Auto Recharge

How It Works


Sign Up

Create a free account on Mobile Recharge AE.


Select Service

Choose the service you want to use.


Make Payment

Complete the payment securely with your preferred method.


Instant Recharge

Your service is activated instantly.

Payment Methods

Credit Card

Credit/Debit Cards

Online Banking

Online Banking

Digital Wallet

Digital Wallets

Cash Payment

Cash Payment